Direct dial: 01706 817 938 | Mobile: 07932 762 448 | Email:

Direct dial: 01706 817 938 | Mobile: 07932 762 448 | Email:

HR Consultancy

STILLHR provides HR and general management advice to organisations either on an ad hoc basis or through an annual retainer scheme.

HR Consultancy - STILLHR
Janine Bourne
HR Consultancy - STILLHR
Robert Still
Paula Symons

Paula is a Chartered Associate, Janine a Chartered Member and Robert a Chartered Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.

HR Consultancy - STILLHR

“The knowledge, experience and mix of common sense and sensitivity really helped to focus on priorities with renewed confidence.”

Katy Walker, Learning & Development Advisor, Asthma UK

“I found Janine a pleasure to work with and would be happy to again in the future.”

Dr Elliott Singer, Partner Churchill Medical Centre

Time to Talk about Racism

A Courageous Conversation about racism

- view the trailer below -

Contact us today for a free consultation

Direct dial: 01706 817 938

Mobile: 07932 762 448


Contact Details

Robert Still

Direct dial: 01706 817 938

Mobile: 07932 762 448


LONDON: 21a Oaklands Grove, London W12 0JD

NORTH WEST: 32 Ewood Lane, Todmorden OL14 7DF